HOLY CRAP! I just got ANOTHER NASA proposal! 2 for 2 this year! This one is for $312k over 3 years...Andy
Here is the e-mail he got - again, names changed to protect the innocent.
November 14, 2008
SMD/Astrophysics Division
Dr. Andrew Becker
Department of Astronomy
University of Washington
3910 15Th Ave Ne Box 351580
Seattle, WA 98195
Dear Dr. Becker:
I am pleased to inform you that your proposal entitled "Time Domain Studies of the 2MASS Calibration Point Source Working Database" (08-ADP08-0049), submitted in response to NNH08ZDA001N, Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES-2008) for the Astrophysics Data Analysis Program (ADP) has been selected for funding beginning in FY2009.
The ADP peer review process is designed to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the scientific merit, NASA-relevance, and cost reasonableness of each proposed investigation. It is the panel’s final evaluation of a proposal that forms the primary basis for the selection/rejection decision. It is hoped that the information provided in this report will be useful to you in preparing future proposal submissions. Because email is not secure, I am not allowed to send your consensus review with this letter. Instead, the final evaluation forms, together with information about the level and term of the funding awarded for your project, will be distributed through the secure NSPIRES system. Within the next week, you will receive official email notification from the NSPIRES system that the review materials associated with your proposal are available and providing directions for downloading those materials.
Once again, I would like to extend my personal congratulations to you on the successful review of your proposal. If you have questions concerning the evaluation of your proposal or the ADP after you have had an opportunity to review the supporting materials, please feel free to contact me at 202-358-0988 or via email at Douglas.M.***@nasa.gov.
Dr. Douglas M. ***
Astrophysics Data Analysis Program Officer
Astrophysics Division, Mail Suite 3W39
Science Mission Directorate
NASA Headquarters
Washington, DC 20546 2
cc: Office of Sponsored Programs
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