Monday, November 3, 2008

I voted

I voted (Nana) in early voting last week. Guess who I voted for?

Phil was out of town so he has to stand in the long lines tomorrow morning. He is still not saying who he is voting for - Should he vote Republican as he always has, or should he vote Democratic?

His sister Nell thinks I should take the Obama video off the blog when the election is over - maybe she thinks Obama will lose???. Well, I could do that (or NOT) and replace it with his victory speech. What do you all think about that?? Or, I could just add the victory speech - even better.

Be sure to vote on Tuesday if you have not already. Now is not the time for complacency, unless you really don't care about the economy and that your investments have tanked.



Anonymous said...

I voted absentee two weeks ago, and made my decision looking into the faces of Bryn, Henry, Mia and Allison...knowing in my heart that for their future and the future of our country Obama is the ONLY choice in this election. It's time for disallusioned Republicans to look in a new direction...hopefully they will.

Jen and Shawn Day said...

I plan to vote today (Monday), and then I'm volunteering all day tomorrow to help get out the vote. At an event last weekend, a man told Allison, "I hope when you get older you can thank us for what we accomplished in this election, and not resent us for not working hard enough and leaving you with a terrible mess." Needless to say, for Mia and Allison, Emma, Henry and Bryn, AS WELL as Mom, Dad, Phil and Joan, we are also voting OBAMA!!!!

Andy said...

Go Mom! I am going to be nervous in the service for the next 2 days... lets just get this over with!!!!

Andy said...

Oh yeah - I too am voting for "that one"! Go Obama!