Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Day

Emma was ready for Santa at 4:30 a.m., but was convinced by her parents that since it was still dark out, we weren't sure if Santa had come yet, so had better go back to bed.

She waited until shortly after 7a and then woke everyone up. Indeed, Santa had come. We opened presents and then went over to Stan and Laurie's for Christmas lunch.

Emma really had a great time opening presents, though she was not into the Green Bay packer jammies she got from us or the Orangatan slippers she got from Andy. Santa brought her a hand held game which she loved, so now he has one just like the rest of us do.
The Baby Belle doll she got from Santa.
The stuff she got from us. Needless to say, she loved the Barbir Princess Dress. Note the Orangatan slippers on the right!
The balance board she got from Andy.
The afternoon was spend relaxing, playing games, and then making our suffed mushrooms. Yum. Emma has not learned yet how good they are, so we did not have to share. After dinner we went out and looked at Christmas lights, put Emma to bed, and then played cards - 3 Goats and a chicken. We had a great day, and hated to leave on Friday, but needed to get back.

1 comment:

Jen and Shawn Day said...

Stuffed Mushrooms!?! A little piece of heaven... It looks like you had a great trip. Thank you for our gift card!!!

love- Jen, Shawn, Mia & Alli