Sunday, February 15, 2009

Emma will be 4 soon

I've changed the blog background to a girlie background in honor of Stacy (birthday on the 24th of Feb) and Emma who will turn 4 March 9.

Phil and I will be flying down to Dallas to celebrate with her, and just can't wait. In the meantime, I am wroking on a princess sweater for her, but will not be done by the time we go there, as it will be quite challenging for me to work all the colors of Ariel's face and hair and bikini top into the sweater. Not sure just how I will do it, but will give it every effort!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's with the switch to frogs and frogs made for little boys' pockets? Doesn't look too "girly" to me! The frogs aren't even PINK! Hope you had a great time celebrating Emma's birthday in Dallas. Can't wait to see the pictures! Hope to see you's been too long.
Love, Karyl