Sunday, March 15, 2009

Emma is 4!

Last weekend we were in Dallas for Emma's birthday. Apparently I have not been quick enough to get our pictures on the blog, (work seems to get in my way - what was I thinking?) so am going to do so tonight so no more complaints!

We flew into Dallas on Thursday, March 5, 2009. Mike and Emma greeted us at the airport. We drove back to the house, unloaded our suitcases, then off to Tin Star (Mexican) for lunch. Back at the house, we got ready for a walk to the park. Emma loves the park, and SWINGING. WE attempted to fly her Princess kite, but could not get it off the ground. We had a great afternoon in the warm (86 degrees) sunny Texas climate. For dinner we walked to Banditos, a nearby Mexican restaurant. Is there a theme here? Yum!

Friday, Emma went to school in the morning. After lunch we went back to the park, new kite in hand. Still could not get the kite up, but another great afternoon swinging and playing on the slides, monkey bars, etc. We had Pesto for dinner, another of our favorites. Stacy has found a local market where they make it fresh, so it was good - but of course not quite as good as Uncle Andy's.

Saturday was birthday party day. Emma's party was at ASI Gymnastics. If you follow the link above, you can see what a great time the kids had there. Total chaos, screaming kids, and fun, fun, fun. What more could a kid ask for. After that, the Wrights came over for pizza and present opening. Do you have a clue how many little pieces parts there are in all these toys? I am sure Stacy will be finding them all over the house for years!!

Sunday was our day to fly back. Emma, Pappy and Nana got up and opened some of the presents (taking them out of their hermetically sealed clear plastic). I think the best one for Emma was Pet Shop. Nana and she spend a good amount of time playing with the Pet Shop Pets outside. Then it was time for lunch, and off to the airport.
Of course it seems lately that any time we fly American we get delayed flying out of Texas. Perhaps it is the lousy Chicago weather that causes the delay, but 2 1/2 hours??? We managed to get home at 10p, unpack, go to bed, and off to work the next morning.
Our next trip to Texas is in May for Emma's ballet recital. We will fly Southwest this time and see if that is any better.
I am attaching a link to Emma's blg where you can see some videos of her birthday party.

1 comment:

Andy said...

I'm surprised that slide didn't tip over..!