Tuesday, April 14, 2009

He's going to DC!

So, apparently, Andy is headed to DC for a Congressional Visit. He has even said he needs to buy a suit and be on his better than average behavior. (Who knows he might even get to meet the Pres!) Wow, and good for him!! I guess we will need pictures - but the big question is this - Will he get a haircut?

Here is his e-mail to us:

check this out...
Original Message
Subject: FW: Congressional Visit Day?
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 13:33:40 -0700
From: ____ (Name deleted to protect the innocent)
To: Andrew Becker U. Washington <becker@astro.washington.edu>

Andy, would you be available to travel to Washington, DC and participate in Congressional Visit Days? The dates are coming up: April 28 & 29th.I'm working with ______(Name deleted) in the AAS office to find someone fromWashington State. If you're available and even partly interested, let meknow and I can tell you more about it.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Haircut = Yes. A serious one....