Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Yea, we have tile. Almost all of it is installed, except for the bullnose over the glass tile around the tub, and then the face of the tub. The pictures came out a little dark, because they really are lighter in color. I'll try to get some better pictures when we have daylight as well as better light in general

Here is the shower. Pebbles on floor of shower, glass tile insert, and glass tile stripe above and below the insert.
A slightly better representation of the tile color, though it is still a little dark. You can see where they have to put the bullnose above the glass tile.

Floor. You can see where they still have to face the tub.

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. We are off to Madison to have Thanksgiving with Phil's Mom and sister at St. Mary's Care Center. The meal is suppossed to be catered, so we are hoping it is pretty good. Unfortunately, we will not get any turkey skin, but I guess we will have to wait for next year for that. I've got pumpkin bread baking, as we HAVE to have some of that!!
We will head up to the cottage on Thursday afternoon and spend a couple days there for some R & R.

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