Thursday, December 11, 2008

2008 Christmas Letter

I am attaching our Christmas letter for anyone who wants to read it. If you've read it already, you can ignore this posting - or not. It is some amazing reading!!! Don't you wish you were us?? NOT!
Joyous Noel

Joan continues to work building Electronic Medical Records, using both her nursing and computer skills

Oregon and Washington trip in September to visit Andy. Wine tasting, enjoying the specialty foods of the area, touring the coast, and good companionship.

Year of remodeling projects started with the kitchen counters, moved on to the laundry room floor since we were so good at tiling, then our bedroom and now the master bath. A whole redo of the bath has kept the house in disarray, but the end is soon near. It will be beautiful! And even better, someone else is in charge of project manangement!

On our blog is where we keep all our family and friends updated on our latest news. Check out to keep updated on our latest news and find links to friends and family important to us.

Up to Madison on a frequent basis this fall as Phil’s Mom has had some health problems.

Still a goal for Phil is retirement in September 2011. Just wish the stock market would cooperate in that effort!

NASA has approved 2 proposals submitted by Andy that will keep him busy searching for planets, asteroids, and stars for the next 3-4 years.

Off to Texas on December 19 to spend Christmas. Andy will fly into Chicago, we’ll take a quick trip up to Madison to see Grandma Becker and then drive down. Can’t wait to have us all together under one roof for the holiday!

Emma will be 4 in March. She is an active young lady who provides more than a little challenge to her parents. She gets a kick out of talking to us on the phone and wants to be sure both Nana and Pappy are there to talk to her!

Lots of fun was had when the Texas clan came up to Becker Bay for vacation. Boating, tubing, fireworks, and sun, sun, sun was the name of the game. Can’t wait for next time!
Happy Holidays to all!

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