Sunday, December 7, 2008

Painting and Varnishing - DONE

The painter was in yesterday and today doing the varnishing of woodwork as well as the painting. That part is DONE. The color of the walls is called camoflauge - it is a light green/grey. It is hard to pick up in these pictures, but it is a very soothing color that goes well with the tile we picked out.

This is probably the best picture of the color.
Phil and I spent the afternoon cleaning (again!) the house - the dust is pervasive, but hopefully will be less now that we are on the final leg.
The granite will not come until the 15th, so I am not sure if much will happen this week. Once the granite is in, (it takes a week to cut, etc) then the plumber and electrician will do their thing. I have a feeling it will be completed while we are on our trip to see the Dallas Becker's for Christmas.
By the way, I am almost done with my Christmas shopping too. I have been working like a dog, but most is bought and wrapped and ready to take to Texas. Cards are out as well. We are not putting in a tree at either place, as we won't be here for Christmas. And here with all the dust it would have been a disaster. So, we did put up some decorations, but they are minimal.

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