Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ain't it good to be home again

At last, we are home after a long exhausting week cleaning Phil's Mom's house. The house is now empty, after having St Vincent dePaul come and take furniture, GoodWill also getting a huge donation, 1-800-GOT-JUNK come (and actually more to go with them on Wednesday) and the garbage man getting approximately 100 bags of stuff.

We have distributed to family items they wanted. I got the clothes to sort - first to wash and then to decide what to do with. I have already done a couple loads of clothes, and this is what I am left with on the laundry room floor. Guess I have my work cut out for me still.

We have one day to recuperate (or do laundry) before back to work on Monday. But, what a sense of accomplishment in just getting this monumental task done. That means the next vacation we have we can actually spend it relaxing instead of working like dogs. Phil's Mom much appreciates the work that was done, and we appreciate every little bit of help we got from everyone. It made the task not quite so daunting - though it was huge. Think 50+ years in the same house and NEVER throwing anything away. Phil is out of town next weekend, so guess what I will be doing here - Yes, you got it - I will be cleaning.

We hope to have some one to buy the house soon, and that of course is if Phil's Mom agrees to that. She is leaning in that direction, and knows it is the right thing to do, but in the back of her mind, she wants to make sure that the people who buy the house are "right" for the neighborhood. We have tried to tell her that she cannot discriminate, and that if we end up hiring a realtor to do this, she will have to take the offer as it is, and not based on who or what the buyer is. She doesn't quite see that yet, but hopefully will soon. There is a possibilit that one of our nephews co-workers may be interested (has looked at the house 3 times) so keep your fingers crossed for us.

For now, I am going to continue to unpack, and then spend a wonderful night sleeping in my own bed. Ya Hoo!

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