Thursday, October 29, 2009

Refuse MoviPrep

For any of you at the age when you are needing to have your colonoscopy, my suggestion to you is to REFUSE to take MoviPrep. That stuff is so totally nasty. Think of taking salty lemonade and drinking 2 liters of it. Pretty horrible sounding, isn't it? But, you ask, does it do the job? You betcha it does. In fact it even continues to work for the full day you have had your procedure. Any thoughts of replenishing your body with food can be thrown right out the window. It just keeps chugging along.

Good news is that I don't have to worry about it for 5 more years, and neither does Phil. I hope and pray that during that time frame, there is a medical invention that comes along to make the whole process easier.

But, on a kinder and gentler note, the drugs they give you are really nice. Too bad they dropped my BP to 58/32. Now that is low! They let me leave when it got to 100/78. And, that is still low for me. Ah well, I lived to tell about it ~~~~

Back to cleaning Mom's house. We are up to 78 black garbage bags so far.

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