Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Clean your house NOW.

Let me tell you, Phil and I have learned a horrible lesson. Be sure to keep your house clean and free to clutter.

  • Do not save every plastic bag that blankets or quilts or comforters came in.
  • Do not save clothes you haven't worn for 15+ years.
  • Do not save wire hangers either. That means don't toss them on top of your closet shelf because some day you might need them.
  • Do not save dishes that have never made it out of your cupboard in the 50+ years you have lived in the house.
  • Take all those thousands of old photos and slides and put them on disk.
  • And, if something is broke, either fix it or throw it. That includes tennis rackets as well. For someone 96, it is amazing she had 7 tennis rackets, 2 baseball bats, and 3 sets of golf clubs.
We have had to toss unbelieveable amounts of "stuff". A few treasures have been found along the way. I know I would be appalled if my kids had to do the same thing to our house that we are having to do to Phil's Mom's. I will be on a cleaning rampage once we get her house in order.
That is my plan and I am sticking to it.

You all have a nice evening. I will be spending mine on the porcelin throne as I prepare for my colonoscopy tomorrow.

Does vacation get any better than this?

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