Monday, December 22, 2008

He made it!

Andy can only describe the trip to Dallas as possibly one of the worse experiences of his life.

Since Seattle was shut down because of snow, he had to walk 2 miles to downtown to find a bus that would take him to the airport. So, that task accomplished, he then had to obtain his ticket. Sounds easy enough, but not true. United had booked him on an American Airlines flight. After standing in line for 45 minutes to get his AA ticket, and despite the fact he had a confirmation number, he had to go back to the United line to get the confirmation. That accomplished, he then went back to the American ticket line and finally obtained the golden ticket. Off to the gate, simple as that - or maybe not.
Due to the snow, his flight - which was to take off at 3:25, was delayed numerous times. It finally took off about 3 hours late, but at least he got out of Seattle, landing here in Dallas at 11:50p. A quick trip back to Mikes, greetings for Emma and Mom, and then downstairs to enjoy a well earned glass of slush.

Today Emma got us all up early - no surprise there - and the playtime extravaganza began. She is a whirlwind, and really doesn't want to stop for one minute. Right now she is having some quiet time (the elder Becker males are sleeping) and then we are going to go to the Dallas Aquarium. Tonight - Andy's favorite meal of Brats is on the docket.

Tomorrow we are going to the Gaylord Hotel, where they have ice sculptures and stuff for kids to do, and then we will eat dinner there.

Now that everyone has arrived, I am feeling so much better. It is cold here, but no precipitation. It looks like Chicago, Seattle, and Madison really got nailed with snow, which luckily we have missed.

More later ~~~~~~~~~~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you all finally made it to Dallas. Have a wonderful Christmas, lots of fun playing with Emma, and a safe trip back home too. Hugs to all the's beautiful here at the lake, but definitely cold, with more snow coming today.
Love to All, Karyl and Norbert